From the very beginning James has wanted to start his own business in the Netherlands. Having some experience, at first James wanted to start an African food business. However, while researching his business idea while doing the StartUp Academy he came to realize that this market is already very saturated in the Netherlands.
Instead of being discouraged by this obstacle, James decided to explore different areas in which he would be interested in initiating a start-up. Now James is working towards starting a business of exporting used car parts to Sierra Leone.
When James was introduced to Itzinya, he was excited to attend the course as this was his field and he immensely enjoyed it. Through Itzinya, he was able to meet many different people and share his business ideas with them as well as hear what the others had in mind. As a person who doesn’t like failing, he at first found it difficult to understand and use the Lean StartUp principes, such as Fail Fast and Fail Often. But in the end he realised that it is better to fail at an early stage, when one has not invested too much time, energy and money in the business rather than experiencing this in the later stages. So now he is very motivated to continue pushing towards starting his own business and do what he enjoys.