Itzinya Nederland

Seed is a training program for people who have come to The Netherlands as refugees and have a residence permit. During this 6 week training program you will learn more about the job market in The Netherlands. You will also discover more about your own talent and which job in The Netherlands will work best for you. Or maybe you will find out that entrepreneurship is the best option for you. Discover it all in the Seed training!


The training program of Seed covers the following topics:

1: Exploration of cultural differences
How do you relate to your colleagues in the Netherlands? We discuss how the same values ​​are visible in different ways in other cultures and how this can lead to misunderstandings.

2: Finding your dream job
Test your talent and learn how to communicate this well in the Netherlands. What is your dream job, which job is realistic for you personally in the short term and what is the route to your dream job?

3: Present yourself
What does the employer who hires you actually get? And how do you present yourself with confidence?

4: Create skills-based CV
Your CV may have some gaps due to your trip to the Netherlands. Therefore, create a skills-based CV that presents you as a person in the best possible way.

5: Job interview exercise
You practice job interviews, because if you practice you get better at it.

What we expect from you

We expect that you:

  • are motivated to start working in The Netherlands
  • have the permission to work (statushouder)
  • will actually start using the tools you will get during the training and apply them to your own situation
  • are able to travel to Amersfoort

Finding a job

We help you find a job. As a contracted employee or through staffing. We work together with Divitia Recruiting.

Register now

The training program starts regularly. Sign up now to get in touch and learn more about the next starting date.

Sign up for Itzinya Seed

  • Help us to get to know you. Please write about your working experience, dream in The Netherlands, the languages you speak.